If you use the Train script as a Tank and have the nameplates w/ health % prompt display turned on instead of the classic conditions it will not call out when the mob reaches nasty wounds so that any casters can stop mem and come back. Update the "EC: nasty wounds" trigger to add this new pattern match:
local xname=string.lower(matches[2])
if NyyLIB.smtrainposition == nil then
local xtarget=string.lower(NyyLIB.smtrainstops[NyyLIB.smtrainposition][2])
-- TODO need to capitalize all words in name, not just first
if NyyLIB.trainecho ~= 1 then
if string.findPattern(xtarget, xname) or (matches[3] ~= nil and tonumber(matches[3]) ~= nil and tonumber(matches[3]) < 30) then
local str = NyyLIB.smtrainstops[NyyLIB.smtrainposition][2]
local nextmob = string.gsub(" "..str, "%W%l", string.upper):sub(2)
if not silent then
mud:send("gcmd [" .. nextmob .. " has nasty wounds!]")
Last edited by Zepharian on Tue May 14, 2024 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
If you are using Nyy's autocast / auto action scripts to run trains, or just to script your class, and you have spellslots (paladins, blackguards, rangers, bards, etc) the prompt trigger does not parse correctly so that the script can know how many available spells you have in each slot. To fix this update the "spellslots" Trigger with the following pattern match:
In the Shaman script (Scripts -> NyyLib/ClassScripts / ShaScript) the spirit_wrack power is misspelled in the powersTable. This causes the button to not show how many spells you have pray'd for that.