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Lightweight Mudlet Toril Script

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 6:27 pm
by Hibbidy
Hey all!

I made a Toril Script for Mudlet - huge thanks to Nyyrazzilyss for much of the code and for his OK to use it this way - much of it is his that I pulled out from his script and included here.

It's lightweight, and designed not to send anything to the mud that you don't initiate.

Main elements:
  • Map w/associated @find/@fwalk functions
  • Minimap window
  • Chat window
  • Tick Timer
  • Prompt window
All of the windows can be dragged, resized, or toggled on/off. When you first install the script, you'll need to customize/move the windows where you want them.

The prompt window pulls the prompt into a separate window and gags it from the main window. Currently works with 'prompt layout classic-powerbar-top' or 'classic-twoline' prompt types, let me know if you need others.

Here is the direct link to my current TorilScript: ... t.mpackage

This is a Mudlet package for use with TorilMud: 9999
Install directions here:

Once installed, type @help to bring up the help menu/instructions and list of functions included in the script.

If you need any help with the script, feel free to reach out to me in game - and also let me know if you find any bugs, issues, or have any suggestions!

Re: Lightweight Mudlet Toril Script

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:26 pm
by Hibbidy
New script updated and posted today, the links in the previous post still work!

Changes in the most recent version:

- added @group window - shows group health, buff timers, and click-casting options for enchanter, cleric, some shaman, some druid, with auto-populated spell up lists - toggle with @group
- added @room window - shows a static snapshot of the current room/mobs/players so you can see whats happening in the battle spam - toggle w/@room (thanks to Nyyrazzilyss)
- you can change font size settings for chat window, room window, prompt window, group window with @set chatfontsize #, etc
- redesigned the rescue functionality
- added buffs tracking for entire group and self (more thanks to Nyyrazzilyss)
- added user ability to show buff expiring messages for 'all' buffs, 'important' buffs (ds,bl,globe,vit,red) or turn it 'off'
- added subclass support
- added @set autoopen doors <true|false> when moving around the map

If you want to bring over your existing map: preferences -> mapper -> load another map file in

If you need any help with the script, feel free to reach out to me in game - and also let me know if you find any bugs, issues, or have any suggestions!

Re: Lightweight Mudlet Toril Script

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:10 pm
by gehadron
Do i just import the new version? or do i have to redo from scratch? how does it work?

Re: Lightweight Mudlet Toril Script

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:50 am
by Gormal
gehadron wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:10 pm Do i just import the new version? or do i have to redo from scratch? how does it work?
There's instructions on the Github page (2nd link in the OP).

Re: Lightweight Mudlet Toril Script

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:22 pm
by gehadron
Danke. it works now.

Re: Lightweight Mudlet Toril Script

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:40 am
by Gormal
A feature not listed, but one I consider very important is the built in "FB" alias. Type "FB <command>" and you will flee, move back to the room you fled from, and then execute whatever command you specify. This becomes even more useful when you're wearing sneak as you can more safely flee with aggros adjacent. You could be fighting a group of enemies and your weapon procs blind, but you're unsure which got blinded, so you can just flee/reenter and let the unblinded enemies engage you, so the blind mob is now out of the fight if you don't area.

FB - flees and returns.
FB .3e - this will flee, return, then move 3 east.
FB ts 2.warrior - this will flee, return, then use TS on 2.warrior. a good way to switch targets without incurring lag.
FB en hol - flees, returns, enters an open wormhole. Great for getting out of a bad spot!