Sorcerer Draconic Battle Logic
Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 1:08 pm
A post about *one* possible battle flow for draconic. Feel free to give some feedback
timer:get = cooldown
buff:get = STATUS
timer:get = cooldown
buff:get = STATUS
Code: Select all
if buff:get("twin_spell")
and prompt:get("combo") <= 2
and groupList:totalMobsTanked() <= 2
and not timer:get("scorching_blast") then
if meleePowers:use("sb") then return end -- sb if we can twin 4combo pts
if (prompt:get("combo") <= 3 and buff:get("twin_spell") )
and not timer:get("acidic_orb")
and groupList:totalMobsTanked() >= 2 then
if meleePowers:use("ao") then return end -- ao on twin will +2combo, medium*2 area
if (prompt:get("combo") >= 4 and buff:get("twin_spell"))
and groupList:totalMobsTanked() <= 2 then
if meleePowers:use("corr") then return end -- corrosive bolt, if TWIN, only at (4)
if prompt:get("combo") >= 3 then
if charData:get("sorbw")
and groupList:totalMobsTanked() >= 4
and not timer:get("breath_winter") then -- winter breath
if meleePowers:use("bw") then return end
if groupList:totalMobsTanked() >= 2 then
if meleePowers:use("sb") then return end -- sunburst (gen 2 combo)
if meleePowers:use("ao") then return end -- orb -- 2+ targets
if meleePowers:use("sb") then return end -- sunburst (gen 2 combo)
if not buff:get("twin_spell")
and prompt:get("combo") >= 2 then -- CB 2 combo
if meleePowers:use("corr") then return end -- corrosive bolt
if meleePowers:use("cw") then return end -- whip (100% dmg)
if meleePowers:use("ao") then return end -- orb (50% dmg, last option if mobs == 1)