Sorcerer Wild Magic Battle Logic
Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 1:05 pm
I know I'll get some flack from Gormal on this one, but I think we should at least start a discussion about *one* possible pattern for wild magic in combat.
Here's my code. Give some feedback!
buff:get = your STATUS
timer:get = cooldown
Here's my code. Give some feedback!
buff:get = your STATUS
timer:get = cooldown
Code: Select all
--highest priority if multiple mobs, try PE
if groupList:totalMobsTanked() >= 2
and not buff:get("twin_spell") then
if meleePowers:use("pe") then return end -- pris explosion (1min, no combo pts)
if buff:get("chaos_infusion") then
if meleePowers:use("cb") then return end -- chaos force 175%
if buff:get("wild_storm") --free chaos storm
and groupList:totalMobsTanked() > 4 then
if meleePowers:use("cs") then return end -- chaos storm
--TOP when we can
if prompt:get("combo") >= 3
and not buff:get("twin_spell") then
if meleePowers:use("top") then return end -- torrent
if groupList:totalMobsTanked() > 4 then
if meleePowers:use("cs") then return end -- chaos storm medium range
if buff:get("wild_energy") then -- bypass to earn more combo pts below first
if meleePowers:use("ps") then return end -- pris sphere
if buff:get("prismatic_reaction")
and not buff:get("twin_spell") then
if meleePowers:use("pe") then return end -- pris explosion on reaction bonus
if meleePowers:use("eb") then return end -- entropic
if meleePowers:use("ps") then return end -- pris sphere
if not buff:get("twin_spell") then
if meleePowers:use("pe") then return end
if meleePowers:use("cb") then return end -- chaos bolt (75% dmg)