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Sorcerer Wild Magic Battle Logic

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 1:05 pm
by fandelem
I know I'll get some flack from Gormal on this one, but I think we should at least start a discussion about *one* possible pattern for wild magic in combat.

Here's my code. Give some feedback!

buff:get = your STATUS
timer:get = cooldown

Code: Select all

    --highest priority if multiple mobs, try PE
    if groupList:totalMobsTanked() >= 2 
      and not buff:get("twin_spell") then
      if meleePowers:use("pe") then return end -- pris explosion (1min, no combo pts)     

    if buff:get("chaos_infusion")   then
      if meleePowers:use("cb") then return end -- chaos force 175%

    if buff:get("wild_storm") --free chaos storm
        and groupList:totalMobsTanked() > 4   then
        if meleePowers:use("cs") then return end -- chaos storm

    --TOP when we can    
    if prompt:get("combo") >= 3 
      and not buff:get("twin_spell") then
        if meleePowers:use("top") then return end -- torrent  
        if groupList:totalMobsTanked() > 4 then  
          if meleePowers:use("cs") then return end -- chaos storm medium range

    if buff:get("wild_energy") then  -- bypass to earn more combo pts below first
      if meleePowers:use("ps") then return end -- pris sphere 

    if buff:get("prismatic_reaction") 
      and not buff:get("twin_spell") then
        if meleePowers:use("pe") then return end -- pris explosion on reaction bonus 

    if meleePowers:use("eb") then return end -- entropic 
    if meleePowers:use("ps") then return end -- pris sphere 
    if not buff:get("twin_spell") then    
      if meleePowers:use("pe") then return end
    if meleePowers:use("cb") then return end -- chaos bolt (75% dmg)

Re: Sorcerer Wild Magic Battle Logic

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 11:28 am
by Gormal
I've been letting this one simmer a bit while I did some more active testing and paying attention to some of the decision-making I've internalized and I think that the major difference between our takes is that you're designing a sorcerer to mow down zones as efficiently as possible in repeating situations with little to no danger (Ashstone/Lilithelle groups). I'm building my sorcerer to win fights and every fight is different, ie: every target I pick matters, I'm making sure to use my twinspell a turn or two early if I know that the next 2 thing I'll use won't consume it (TOP/PE for instance), then twinspell is up again faster. I don't use much AOE below 4 targets because the fight would theoretically be over faster with more cleave, taking the most dangerous enemy out of the fight makes it easier on everyone and if it's me solo, that's damage I don't have to tank/heal.

I really don't have opinions on how best to automate a game, the challenge for me is playing said game, not in the scripting to allow something to do it for me. If it's just mindless exp/lilithelle farming there's no challenge and no decision making and really no longer a game from my perspective.

Re: Sorcerer Wild Magic Battle Logic

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 11:32 am
by Xanza
You need some method to turn off the immediate swap to aoe damage when 5+ targets.

bahamut for example, the silver dragon guard. when group is supposed to be single target focusing 1.silver, warriors and this script are blasting aoe's and making 5x silver dragons pop, and damn near wipe the group.

Re: Sorcerer Wild Magic Battle Logic

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 5:24 pm
by Gormal
There's no reason to use chaos storm outside of a freebie proc anyway, and even then it's strictly a damage loss from casting TOP if you've got combo points to burn.

Re: Sorcerer Wild Magic Battle Logic

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 5:21 pm
by fandelem
I agree with you on targeting - that is an issue with ALL Nyy script classes!

I will mention something I didn't before, and didn't see you mention: the one really amazing thing about automation for WILD is to keep twin/WMS outside of combat going. It makes for so much more damage and healing and has no lag so you can do it while running around in zone too.

Happen to know the room name for the dragon spawning in baha?

Re: Sorcerer Wild Magic Battle Logic

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 5:49 pm
by Gormal
I try to keep quicken/twin on cooldown, but as wild magic I do everything possible to use it on missile procs, and I'm always casting metamagic between fights that currently consume twin, so I use when I have all the buffs I want up and I don't wanna open with WMS (I don't like twin WMS at all, mostly wasted). There's always the consideration for me of if I'm using my bonus action at the top or bottom of the round. I usually twin just prior to a missile, but you can pop it early if you're going to TOP/PE since those won't eat it.